Category Archives: Weekly Photo

a moment in time

Kitty likes it here.

That is, until 3 weeks ago when we brought home our new dog.

Ok, he still likes it here.  He loathes the dog.

But they’re slowly getting used to each other.

Eventually, Kitty will tolerate the dog.

Maybe one day he’ll actually be civil with him.

Maybe even be amused by his presence.

Maybe kinda like having him around.

No, that’s going too far.

I think amusement is as far as it will ever get.

Time will tell.


A Moment In Time

It’s friday again.

That means it’s time for the weekly photo, remember?

Well, the two of you who voted may remember.

Some bloggers do a similar post where they post one photo on fridays with no words, like Soulemama.

I like the thought of posting a photo and not having to write anything, and I would hope that my pictures tell enough of a story that I could do that, but the truth is, I like writing words.

Talking, not so much, but when I write words, I can take as long as I want and nobody interrupts and I can delete anything that sounds retarded.

So here is my weekly photo.

I’m sure you can guess what’s going on.

We were driving through Saskatchewan.

All was quiet in the back seat.

I looked back.

I turned to Darryl and said “She has a beard” (true story).

We snicker.

It’s dry erase marker.

What Do You Think?

I’m thinking about starting a Photo Of The Week post, just so I can show you random silly or amazing or ridiculous or sentimental photos.

Of course, that means I’d have to blog more often than I have been and that’s no good.

But it was the following photo that inspired me to come up with the idea.  It took about 5 nanoseconds to think about it and start writing this post.

Now as I have second thoughts think about it more I realize what a great idea it is, because if I can’t think of anything to write about, I can find some obscure photo that never made it to the blog yet and would make for very boring reading should I try to expound on the subject of said photo, and call it a day (or a week).

But in this case (and probably most cases, should I actually post a weekly photo), I will tell you how I came to take this photo.

I was on facebook (don’t judge) late at night and saw a picture posted by a friend of her son’s bed, with the covers pulled up and Elmo’s head sticking out.  She mentioned how she “almost died laughing” and I got a good chuckle out of it too.  Then I happened to look over and see Woody smiling back at me from inside this large glass vase, and I almost died laughing.  He’s hanging by his hat and his feet don’t quite touch the bottom.

Maybe I should go to bed.  It’s not really that funny, is it?

Ok, if it at LEAST made you smile, please leave a comment and let me know if my brilliant (sleep-deprivation-inspired) idea is a good one or if I should stick to my usual scattering of posts.

I’m going to bed now.

Week 23

Okay, it’s been MANY weeks since I participated in the Weekly Photo Challenge on Flickr.  I dropped in occasionally to see what the theme was in case I had taken any that week that would work, but I had too many other things to do.

This week, the theme is Enchantment.  I happened to have one that I thought would work.  I just took it yesterday.

It looks ethereal and beautiful to me.  It came out that way when my lens focused on a tiny plant (that I couldn’t even see) buried in the grasses I was trying to focus on (wind doesn’t help).  The grasses in the foreground are out of focus and make it look a little blurry.  I didn’t actually edit this one much.

But then I saw this photo, also taken yesterday, and I thought it would work just a little better with some editing.

There!  That’s a little more ‘enchanting’.

So that’s this week’s assignment done.  Maybe I’ll get another one done before the year is over.

Week 13

I know, I missed last week’s assignment.  The theme was “from the jewellery box”, and I had an idea of doing a shot with our wedding rings with a black background and side lighting, but I just never got around to it.

This week’s theme is “Just for fun”.  I’m going to use a photo I took the other day when we all went for a little walk to enjoy the afternoon sunshine and the melting snow.  Sadie loves stomping through the little puddles on the driveway, and what’s more fun than that when you’re little and you live in the moment??

There are some amazing shots on Flickr for this week’s theme.  You should check it out.

Week 11

Darks and Lights…

Someone took a picture of a black sock next to a white sock.  Dark and light laundry.  I thought that was a good idea, but I wasn’t about to steal it.

I was thinking of a picture with shafts of light coming through trees or something, but I didn’t feel like getting off my chair until yesterday when it was warm and melting and sunny out and I actually felt like taking Sadie out in her rubber boots to look at the animals and stomp through the puddles.

So I settled for anything with some nice texture or detail that would look cool in black and white.

I picked this one.

It’s a headlight off the tractor.

It’s a light.  But it’s off so it’s dark.  How’s that for my deep interpretation?

I tried getting a decent one of the chickens, cause some are white and some are dark (at least in black and white).

This was the best I got.

The white chickens are overexposed and the whole shot just isn’t composed very well.

But I liked the idea.

What do you think?

Anyone want to join me in this weekly photo assignment?  It definitely challenges you to play with your camera more, and it’s fun finding out the theme for the next week and looking for opportunities to shoot.  You can join anytime and use any camera you have.  You can sign up here.